Monday, April 11, 2011

Journey to the UK (with Brad n Matt)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD. leave him some well wishes in the comments section. 
You: hello
Stranger: hello
You: how goes it
Stranger: its all gd and you?
You: asides from the fact that our neigbors are hella loud, hahahh we good
Stranger: asl??? :D
You: m. 23. atl
You: X2 you gots two broskis hwew
You: here*
Stranger: ohhhh hey both of you
You: hi
You: we r brad n matt
You: to claify
Stranger: ok
You: today is brads bday so he is 24 actually
Stranger: happy brthday brad
You: aww
You: thanks
You: so, what is ur asl
You: jw
Stranger: bp
Stranger: *np
Stranger: female
Stranger: 15 uk
You: cool
You: anywhere near brighton and hove?
Stranger: nooo
You: interesting
You: whereabouts in the uk then
You: ? jw
Stranger: Manchester
Stranger: hahaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Stranger: you support/
You: hell yeah
You: soccers not our primary sport of interest
You: but we will rep them fo sho
You: we can recognize greatness when we see it
You: thats what our college recruiter said to us
Stranger: tis all goodd ;)
You: at THE metropolitian college atl
You: ya heard of it?
You: good school
You: good school
Stranger: yh
You: is yh yeah, heard of it
You: jw
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: :D
You: sweeeeeet
You: we r music option III majors
You: so yeah
Stranger: niceeeeee
You: its a really challenging pattern of courses centered around musical theory, algebra, and painting
You: whats school like in the UK?
Stranger: boring :(
You: anything like hogwarts?
Stranger: no you wont catch me anytime soon flying around on a brroom ;)
You: hahahah
You: snitches
Stranger: take it your fans then of hp
You: we didnt have the attention span to finish the series
You: so DONT ruin it plz
You: seriously
You: but the fourth one was prob the best
You: in brad's opinion
Stranger: ive only seen the first ome
Stranger: YAY I HAVE CREDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
You: hahaha
You: interesting
You: so what is your favorite movie, and what is so great about it anyway
Stranger: ermm
Stranger: i dont really have one
Stranger: probably killers
You: cool
You: finding nemo is our favorite film
You: just keep swimming hahah
Stranger: LOL
You: also our philosophy
You: as for television shows
You: we keep it on nickelodeon mostly, teennick too, so degrassi and spongebob
You: this is a pic of brads bday cake
Stranger: nickelodeon realy/
Stranger: ?
You: yeah icarly is hilarious
You: and
You: ...
You: lol
You: we voted a ton in the kcas
You: (kids choice awards)
Stranger: ohhh what for miley cyrus?
You: we personally believe selena gomez was the least qualified winner for the best actress in a tv series
Stranger: ;)
You: hahah
You: yes it shouldve been miley, or miranda cosgrove for sure
You: selena just won cuz she is bieber's chick
You: ya know
You: sooo what r ur jams?
You: as in music not jelly
Stranger: I like jessie j :)
You: thats some tight shizz
You: does she sing, pricetag?
You: make the world dance...
You: that song
Stranger: yeah she sings pricetag
You: yeahhh i saw that on SNL
You: dope dope dope
Stranger: SNL?
You: thats saturday night live
You: its our big comedy program
You: sketch show
Stranger: ohhh
You: tina fey and will ferrel and like big stars started on it
You: yeah
You: what is it like in the UK?
You: does it rain much?
Stranger: ermm dark and quite a lot
Stranger: what about atl?
You: atl is AMAZING
You: asides from being the best place on earth
You: the birthplace of ryan seacrest
You: and home to nene leake
You: s
You: we got, the alliance theater
You: sunshine
You: the hawks
You: metroppolitian college
You: lots of BBQ chicken
Stranger: lol
You: and BRAD N MATT
Stranger: you gyys hot/
You: and also, its metropolitan college
You: oh yeah we r studs
You: not to brag or nothing
You: ill get a pic hold up
You: wait thats the spongebob cake
You: h/o
You: brad is on the R
You: matt is on the L
Stranger: k, 1 sec
Stranger: dont you hate pokewars
You: lol facebook humor
You: did u c the social network
You: i got a theory about facebook
Stranger: no
You: whole thing is a CIA operation trying to get out info
You: james bond set it up or sumptin
Stranger: wow
You: so are there alot of ppl in manchester
You: cuz rumor has it that ur the seventh-most populous local authority district in England
Stranger: yep
You: what's the canal street scene like hahahah
Stranger: what??
You: oh nothin u know that show queer as folk? its set there, and its in manchester
You: not that we watch it or anything
You: we just heard
You: we are straight
You: btw
Stranger: ooohhh LOL
You: yeah we dont much bout ur country asides from what we get from shows like that, simon cowell and the news
You: like we heard about the Sun Valley chicken rescue situation
Stranger: Englandd is the BESTT!1
You: do 9/10 brits agree??
You: 1000/10 ppl agree here in the atl that atl is da shiz
Stranger: HAHA
You: but if u polled people in north korea that would be thier answer as well but they have a state controlled media so they dont know better
You: or about the ATL sadly
You: so im thinking back to earlier in this convo and i was wondering what bieber did to personally offend you
You: jw
You: cuz he resides in the ATL when hes not on tour so we could pass a message along
Stranger: HE WAS BORN
You: so i take it baby is not ur jam?
Stranger: it certanly isnt
Stranger: is it SHIT
Stranger: like Rebecca Black
You: hahah the bus.....stop
You: that part made us major lol
Stranger: we watched it in class and LOLED
You: cool. so, what are some holidays u celebrate only in england of which we should be aware
Stranger: ermmm i dont know?
You: well, we got the 4th of july
You: but i know u dont celebrate that
You: ahaa
Stranger: ohh i suppoe we have the royal wedding thingy comin
You: yeah willz and kate holla
Stranger: :L
You: girl got some swagg
You: u english with those funny hats crack us up no offense
Stranger: i dont wear no frickin hat
Stranger: im gangsta :P
You: exhibit A
You: u like that song american boy by kanye and estelle
Stranger: yes
You: haha yeah i was thinkin of that
You: look at this peacoat, tell me he's broke
You: hahhaha
You: classi
You: c
You: do u eat bangers and mashes?
You: jw
Stranger: i just loled! no i dont
You: no like, fish and chips and a side of mushy peas?
Stranger: i like chips but not fish or peas
You: chips are french fries though right>
You: or FREEDOM fries as we some of us across the pond call em
Stranger: yeah but there more potatoey here
You: not us though
You: atl isnt into that kind of like texas shit
You: potatoes are dope
You: when choosing a side for a steak
You: does the typical english go for baked poatato or garlic mashed
You: jw
Stranger: we'ed go for chips probs
You: interesting
You: u ever been to visit oxford?
Stranger: no i aint thta smart
You: cool, we mighta heard of the place
You: we maintain however that metropolitan college is like, the BEST
You: just sayin
Stranger: hhahahaha
Stranger: :L
You: what face is that? a toungue out
You: c(=
Stranger: yup
You: thats how we do in the atl
You: c(= XD
You: that guy is wearin a pope hat
Stranger: lol.
You: u ever seen the pope in his pope mobile
You: or his pope habitat
Stranger: yh i visited once
You: word. you feel like a good person now?
Stranger: no
You: bein in his presence and such didnt do it by osomisis or nothin then
You: interesting
Stranger: ??
Stranger: i need your gys opinions
You: sure
Stranger: this guy wants to know who likes him and i know and he wants me to tell him so shud i
Stranger: ????
You: ok a few questions
You: first, are both people involved friends of urs?
Stranger: yh the guy is like my bro and the girl is my best mate????
You: does ur best mate want that info secret??
Stranger: i dont know?!!
You: ok here's what i think
You: u gotta do what we do with the horses
You: you put the two of them alone together and walk away
You: see what happens naturally
You: if its meant to be it will
Stranger: no but at school and stuff there too scared and i cant force them :/
You: have a party at the house
You: and be all like, im just gonna go grab some dip for these chips
You: and leave them along
You: alone*
Stranger: wow 3 at a party FUN
You: no it could be for many mates
You: nm
You: ok alternate situation
You: how about u just bring up ur friend to ur bro, but like casually
You: and see what he says
You: guage his responses
You: and such
Stranger: hmmmmm
You: like when matt was dealing with a similar scenario, i just went over to the chick and i was like, yeah.. know my friend mat... so....
Stranger: maybe
You: are the two of them close at all?
Stranger: yh their mates
You: thats a good starting point.
You: but theres going to have to be something that serves as a catalyst for this to change
Stranger: what like drink??// LOL
You: hahahha word
You: is there like a conflict of age difference or cliques varying at school between them, or is it a natural fit
Stranger: no same age lol
You: good. sounds like a good fit
You: in our humble opnion
You: how do u feel tho about ur best mate and bro that could be awkward
You: or, fantastic
Stranger: i dm i have a bf lol
You: i think, it comes down to, do u want them to get marryed and for this girl to be ur sister in law
You: think ahead
Stranger: i dont think it will go that far!
You: well i hope our advices were of use
Stranger: yh youve just made me confused
You: srry
You: :/
Stranger: dw
You: procede w caution
You: and remember
You: just keep swimming
You: and to drive on the left
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i cant drive yet
You: well, when u learn
You: when u learn
You: anyways
You: we really gotta be going
You: horses are hungry
You: but this was real nice
Stranger: 2 years :)
You: anyways
You: if we had to know just one thing and one thing only about englang
You: what should it be
You: england*
Stranger: we PARTY hard
You: word
You: thats whats uo
You: up
You: on that note
You: have a wonderful day
You: and life
You: in general
You: adios muchacha
Stranger: byebye

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