Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Journey to LA (and Vegas) with Brad N Matt

LA LA baby.

You: hey
Stranger: hello
You: how goes it
Stranger: where u from? I'm hanging out
You: ATL baby
You: reppin' the ATL all day
You: asl?
Stranger: 21 f la california
You: we r M. 23. ATL
You: it's two broskies here
You: best buds
Stranger: I see
Stranger: spring break?
You: no
You: we r back at THE Metropolitan college, ATL
Stranger: oh
Stranger: finals?
You: we didn't go anywhere for spring break
You: no place better than the ATL
Stranger: hows the food there?
You: it's delicious!!!
You: bbq+ATL=the bomb
Stranger: yum
You: we love ribs and popcorn chicken
Stranger: I want real BBQ. la isnt big on slow cooking
You: interesting
You: do you see celebs everywhere?
You: or are you a celeb?!?!
Stranger: la likes fast Asian n Mexican food. sometimes we see them
You: sometimes you see fast Mexican food?
Stranger: they get gas themself
You: interesting
Stranger: see celebs
You: I would think they have "people" for that
You: ah
You: so what are the best scenes in LA?
Stranger: there's a lot of things on la
You: like....the Chinese theater?
You: Brad over here got caramel on his comforter
You: from his candy apple
You: on a side note
You: it's real sticky to
Stranger: I like the theme parks.
Stranger: mmm sweets
You: you go on roller coasters?
Stranger: ya. they chamged a lot of things
Stranger: new rides
You: no more space mountain? :(
You: sounds like a straight up nightmare
Stranger: I think they updates
Stranger: space mntm
You: oh
You: interesting
You: so what do you do for fun in LA
Stranger: whatever I feel like
You: such as?
You: going to auditions?
You: going to the beach?
You: walking dogs?
Stranger: if I wanna snow board at nite m surf next morning
Stranger: it's possible
You: snow board?
You: isnt it hot there
Stranger: ya
You: ???
You: confusing
Stranger: we have mountains like an hour away
Stranger: n Vegas os
Stranger: is 3 hours
You: vegas!
You: is it true that what happens there stays there?
You: j
You: w
Stranger: unless u post on fb
Stranger: lol
You: classic
Stranger: Vegas is crazy awesome
You: yeah?
Stranger: I have a house there
You: a house?
You: complete with a kitchen
You: and appliances?
Stranger: yea.
You: word
You: youre a straight up g then, no?
Stranger: lol no
Stranger: Asians like investments n vacations
You: does the house always win
You: or do u know how to beat that system
Stranger: no

Monday, March 21, 2011

Journey to Maryland (with Brad n Matt)

This convo was pretty short, but real nice. Our broskie here shares our interest in kicking punk ass.

You: hey
Stranger: Hi
You: asl?
Stranger: 18 m usa
You: cool
You: 23 m ATL
You: whereabouts in the US?
Stranger: Maryland
You: oh, cool
You: so how goes it?
You: we r real bored
Stranger: Incredibly so
You: are you in colleg?
You: college*
Stranger: Yeah
You: university of maryland?
Stranger: Yeah
You: wow!
Stranger: Why wow?
You: we go to THE metropolitan college, ATL
You: oh yeah, there r two guys here
You: no homo
You: hahah
You: just friends
Stranger: That explains the whole 'we' thing
You: yeah.
You: so what do u study
Stranger: Pyschology
You: so you can like, read minds almost?
You: haha
Stranger: I'm more of a manipulator than a profiler
You: interesting.
You: you play any sports for the testudo?
Stranger: Nope
You: oh.
You: what do you do for fun?
You: jw
Stranger: I do TaeKwonDo 3 times a week
Stranger: Play video games
Stranger: most of the other time
You: wow broskie! that's cool
You: you must be really good at kicking punk ass
Stranger: I have a 2nd degree black belt
You: cool
You: would you rather beat up an old lady or have an old lady beat you up?
You: classic would you rather question
Stranger: Old lady beat me up, I just wouldn't have the heart to beat her up. Unless she was like a demon or something like in the movie Legion, then I'd fuck her up
You: interesting
You: do all of you friends do martial arts too?
Stranger: Nope
You: oh
You: brad over here has a lot of horses, and we ride and train them
You: oh yeah, we r brad n matt btw
You: have you ever gone horseback riding?
Stranger: Nope
You: try it sometime!
You: it's real fun
You: real fun
You: so tell us more about maryland
You: is it like a real liberal state?
You: or more conservative?
Stranger: More liberal for sure
Stranger: But I don't care much for politics
You: oh
You: what are ur interests?
You: besides kicking punk butt
Stranger: Video games, music, average stuff
You: music!
You: what r ur jams?
You: as in music, not jelly
Stranger: Metallica is my favorite band
Stranger: listen to mostly 80's - 90's metal and rock
You: very nice
You: you like Justin Bieber?
You: jw
Stranger: Not in the least
You: interesting
You: how about...blink-182?
Stranger: Not really
You: there a lot of good concerts in maryland?
You: maybe near campus?
You: we like to know about the music scene across the country n stuff
Stranger: The music scene here in Maryland is mostly R&B, Hip Hop, and Rap... so not really what interests me :\
You: LAME.
You: I mean that it doesn't suit ur interests
You: hahah
You: how about in Annapolis? you ever been? good music there?
Stranger: Nah, Haven't been there in years so I don't know whats going on there
You: classic.
You: we heard maryland gets some crazy weather patterns
You: due to downslope winds..
You: is that true?
Stranger: Yeah
You: so it could be like snowing on one day and then like..70 degrees on the next?!?!
Stranger: That has actually happened recently if I recall correctly
You: wow
You: the ATL is real nice
You: good weather
You: so what TV shows do you watch?
Stranger: Lots of stuff, to sum up, my top favorites right now are Anything on comedy central, house, the mentalist, psych(whatever happened to it), etc.
You: comedy central is great
You: we like SNL too
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: I like SNL I just don't watch it on a regular basis
You: some stuff on Nickelodeon as well
You: we have to admit it
You: hahaha
Stranger: Hehe
You: Maryland soon became one of the few regions in the English Empire where Catholics held the highest positions of political authority.
You: Brad wanted me to type that..
Stranger: o_O
You: he is doing a researhc project on new england states right now
You: hahah sorry he is a big nerd!
Stranger: Ahh
You: we both study music option III
Stranger: Cool, well I gotta go, gotta get up early tomorrow, seeya
You: oh ok
You: nice talking to you broskie
You: bye!
Stranger: Same

Saturday, March 12, 2011

the LOST Journey to Iowa (with Brad n Matt)

unfotch matt over here got his grubby paws on the keyboard and this great convo was lost for eternity to the tubes of the internets.

we'll list the highlights tho it was most educating.

  • not all 16 year old girls like boybands. this girl didnt even go see BTR at the mall of america and like she didn't have an excuse or nothin! she also doesnt contemplate the meaning of the universe. bleak
  • weekend trips to minnesota can bore the iowan
  • lots of birds there, other than the obvs, Eastern Finch
  • the popular sandwich is, as rumors correctly informed us, a pork tenderloin sandwich
  • we revealed that we also are big fans of the pips & gladys. big fans. ATL all day bby. all day.
  • finding nemo is a popular film of iowan culture
  • if brad was a jersey shore characrer he's be mike- but this chick said she only likes vinny and pauly?? WTH. matt got pissed when I said he was Deena so then we said he was pauly. but really, we all know he's more of a deena. just sayin.
  • sometimes it gets windy in iowa. prime for the kite flyin
  • our conversational partner has never been scuba diving (deep sea)
  • we warned her- watch out for them sting rays. crocadile huneter. RIP.
  • there are nice apple orchards in washington. what i want to know is why we hearing that from a chick from iowa? gotta rep where u from all day. ATL ATL ATL ATL.
  • some ppl are working to preserve what it left of iowa, as in habitats. like the chick's gpa is into that stuff.
  • she's not a sioux city bandits fan, but she did have one excellent quality!! hawks fan!! HAWKS HAWKS HAWKS 
  • learn somptin new, er'eday.

Journey to Russia (with Brad n Matt)

This russian browski likes to do all the asking and none of the answering.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: als
You: m. ATL. 23
You: usually ASL though
You: just sayin
You: how goes it
Stranger: hah, i mistyped
Stranger: 21 male here
Stranger: what's up?
You: nm lookin for a nice chat
You: where u from
You: jw
Stranger: russia
You: cool
You: we've never been there
You: whats it like
You: and WE are two best buds brad n matt
Stranger: hard to say what it is like lol
Stranger: where are you from?
You: the ATL is Atlanta Georgia USA
You: best city in the world
Stranger: got it
Stranger: never been there either
Stranger: why are you on omegle?
You: bored
You: lolz
Stranger: pretty much the same here
Stranger: plus, can't get asleep :/
You: try countin sheeps
You: speakin of animals
You: u got any pets?
Stranger: no
You: maybe a great eagle owl? we know they are common in russia
You: oh well u ever seen one then?
Stranger: i think i have
Stranger: btw, may i know your orientation?
You: we like the ladies if thats what ur asking
You: and the ladies love us
You: just sayin
Stranger: same here
Stranger: that's nice
Stranger: are you black or white?
You: whites
You: two whites
Stranger: nice
Stranger: me too
You: are there black people in russia?
You: jw
Stranger: some
Stranger: those who came from africa as student
Stranger: students*
You: interesting

Journey to NYC (with Brad n Matt)

this one was real quick. proves that when ur cat gets out, you just gotta go. dont even got the time of day to acknowlege that's what happened. that's my guess. that's my guess.

Stranger: hey :)
You: hi
Stranger: wasssup?(:
You: asides from twitter bein overcapicty not much
Stranger: ahaha!
Stranger: sex like a tweet and im just tryn to follow!
You: good one
You: ASL
Stranger: youuuu first (:
You: k but dont be a tool and diconnect
You: m 23 ATL
Stranger: ohhhhh
You: ur turn
You: the game is afoot
Stranger: f,19 newyorkk.
You: concrete jungle where dreams are made up? theres nothin u cant do?
Stranger: ahaa ^-^ _-
Stranger: aha
Stranger: umm race?
You: we r brad n matt
Stranger: we?
You: were americans we're caucasian
You: we r brad n matt
You: two guys
Stranger: ohhhhhhhhhhh
You: Best buds since diapers
Stranger: cute!
You: no homo
Stranger: wellhey
Stranger: i gotta go tho!
You: why? cat get out?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Journey to North Carolina (with Brad n Matt)

Quick trip up I-85 N to North Carolina ayoooooo.
You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: 19/m/us
You: m/23/us
You: we r from the ATL
You: and you?
Stranger: north carolina
You: south yeahhhhh
Stranger: haha, yeah
You: we always thought the carolinas were real important becuz there is a north AND a south
You: hahaha
Stranger: haha, i guess so
You: anyways...
You: what r ur jams?
You: as in, music
You: not jelly
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i listen to mostly rock/alternative
Stranger: i like some rap
You: like MURS
You: hes comin to the ATL soon
Stranger: no i don't know who that is
You: interesting
Stranger: i don't like the new rap today
You: do you like Taylor Swift maybe?
You: jw
You: or maybe T Pain?
Stranger: hell no
You: so nobody who is a singer whose name starts with a T then
You: interesting
You: what r ur hobbies?
Stranger: i like to breakdance naked with the homeless
You: hahhaha
You: that takes guts, looks, and talent
Stranger: you have to give back to the community somehow
You: word
You: we train horses
Stranger: i see now
You: but they r pretty wild sometimes
You: they get spooked real easy
You: ppl think it is sissy like, but it takes guts to
Stranger: i remember one time a horse took a bite out of my leg
You: we sprained our ankles training the horses
You: btw this is two guys
You: best buds
You: brad n matt
Stranger: oh, ok
You: no homo
You: hahah
Stranger: haha
You: so what's good in north carolina?
You: any nice scenes?
Stranger: well, i live like 20 minutes from the ocean
You: damnn\
You: you surf?
Stranger: nope
You: us niether
You: i bet u get a mean tan tho
You: like a real one
You: not that bottle spray on shit
Stranger: haha
You: what's the best restaurant in north carolina? we heard the Angus Barn Restaurant is real good
Stranger: never heard of that one
You: its in Raleigh
You: on glenwood
You: check it out
Stranger: oh, ok
You: Raleigh seems dope i guess
You: but nothin compared to the ATL
You: just sayin
You: ahahah
Stranger: i actually live like 2 hours south of raleigh
You: that would be an intense commute if u were to seek and obtain employment there
You: so stay clear of that plan
You: hahaha
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i wil bring the fellows down at the local shelter to come with me
You: cool
Stranger: well, i have to go now, nice talking to you guys
You: no well one last q??
Stranger: ok
You: which club should we hit up in NC -- Legends or the American Kennel Club
You: jw
Stranger: well i don't do clubs
Stranger: so no idea
You: you are more of a library fellow?
You: classy.
You: we respect that
Stranger: haha, no
You: well have a nice night
You: bye
Stranger: haha, later

Journey to Long Island (with Brad n Matt)

pack ur weekend bags folks cuz we took a real short trip up to jones beach and talked a bit about how we try to avoid the biebs around the ATL given the mob scene usually ensuing within a 10 foot radius of the bro. 
Stranger: hey
You: hi
You: m 23 atl
You: asl?
Stranger: 20 f ny
You: NYC or upstate
Stranger: niether actually
You: !?!
Stranger: long island
You: cool
Stranger: so whats up?
You: ever been to jones beach?
Stranger: of corse, all the time
You: aw mad jel
You: what are some of the scenes there like
Stranger: what do you mean?
You: scenes as in picturesuque vistas
You: and stuff like that
Stranger: i dont know, it looks like a beach
You: interesting
Stranger: i saw jack johnson there one summer
You: cool
You: we saw justin biber in japan
You: in concert
You: so yeah
Stranger: are you still in japan?
You: no that was about a year ago
You: it was cool there
Stranger: oh?
You: ATL is better
Stranger: you like justin beiber?
You: i mean he's our browskie cuz he lives in the ATL
You: we seen him around en stuff
Stranger: oh?
You: yeah its a mob scene wherever he goes so we try to avoid him
You: hahahaha
Stranger: i bet
You: so do you have any cool hobbies?
Stranger: um, i sing and play piano at a local coffee house
Stranger: you?
You: that's really cool
You: you should try out for american idol or sumptin like that
Stranger: no, im not looking for a career as a singer
You: interesting
You: matt collects beanie babies
Stranger: whos matt?
You: BTW you are talkin w/ two guys
You: brad and matt
Stranger: oh okay
Stranger: i wasnt aware
You: this is matt's beanie baby collection
You: http://www.legaljuice.com/beanie%20babies.jpg
You: sorry we try to clear that up
You: we got distracted with our chat tho
Stranger: thats okay
Stranger: my names Chrissy
You: like from 3's company?\
You: Christmas Noelle Snow

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Journey to Scotland (with Brad n Matt)

Scottish tool. Nuff said (and not as in like, a gardening tool made in Scotland. As in like..a mean person from Scotland. So, yeah) 

You: hi
Stranger: heya
Stranger: how're you?
You: besides our sprained ankles, pretty good
You: and u?
Stranger: I'm good thanks
Stranger: how di you (plural) sprain your anKles?
You: asl?
Stranger: *did
Stranger: 17 f scotland
You: cool!
You: m.23.ATL
You: as for the sprained ankles, we hurt them training the horses
You: the two of us
You: Brad n Matt
Stranger: who else is there?
Stranger: are you the same age then?
You: yup
Stranger: nice to meet you both
Stranger: I'm Ellie
Stranger: aww, i hope you get beter
You: this is us
You: http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/1266241022/screen-capture-3.jpg
You: and thanks, it means like a lot
Stranger: rest, ice, compression, elevation,
Stranger: but you know that =P
You: are you a doctor?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i just did my nplq (lifeguarding qualification)
You: wow! we like scuba diving
Stranger: so there was this huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge first aid bit in it
You: (deep sea)
Stranger: no, more just cleaning up and standing poolside
You: so do they speak american in scotland?
You: as in english
Stranger: nah, just swiming pools
Stranger: ....do you know where scotland is?
You: you speak swimming pools?
Stranger: do you want to google it?
Stranger: ...i speak english
Stranger: scotland is a part of the uk
You: your english is real good, we just weren't completely sure
Stranger: along with wales and ireland
Stranger: we all speak english
You: interesting
Stranger: .... i come from britian! that's where english comes from
You: we come from the ATL
Stranger: and england's in the uk too
You: that's where Nene Leakes comes from
Stranger: which stands for?
You: Atlanta, Georgia
Stranger: what's that?
Stranger: still lost
Stranger: but who cares
Stranger: what are your horses like?
Stranger: do you own them?
You: a map of the US would be helpful in this situation
You: yeah, we own the horses
Stranger: why should i care what sate you live in when you don't recognise my country
You: we r like regular cowboys
Stranger: what do the horses look like
You: handsome
Stranger: and i doubt it, but sounds fun
You: like us
You: hahaha
Stranger: =P
You: so what r ur jams?
You: as in music, not jelly
Stranger: jams being?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: metal i supose
Stranger: i'm listeing to some on youtube, link?
You: sure
You: sounds dope
Stranger: and jazz and classical and folk
You: we have a link for you too
You: ever heard of Bryant James?
You: he'll be real big one day
You: real big
Stranger: i dinnea ken wha yer oan abit
You: h/o
Stranger: nope
Stranger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ_VFJn2kJM&feature=related
You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-QyCD617U8
You: thanks
You: trading links is almost as good as trading candy on halloween
Stranger: =)
Stranger: you don't trade sweeties at halloween, you earn them
You: our mom's told us sharing is caring
You: so we share sweets with our friends, but not if the wrapper is open
Stranger: saring is good
Stranger: but you don't go round with a bag swapping treats at peoples doors
Stranger: you'll give them to their grandchildren
You: no, you don't
Stranger: they probably go them from your grandparent
Stranger: s
Stranger: it goes round and round
You: speaking of grandparents, my gran has a purple cane and is real cool
You: hahah just wanted to throw that out there
Stranger: awesome
You: so do you have any pets?
Stranger: nah, just a little brother if tyhat counts
You: good one!
You: hahah
Stranger: it's old
You: he sounds cool
Stranger: i always use it
Stranger: he is
Stranger: anyone who slags him dies! ...metaphorically speaking
You: word.
You: gotta look out for your own blood
You: or sumpin
Stranger: i'm kinda shan, but i try to be nice
Stranger: kith and kin
You: so do you love school?
You: jw
Stranger: ...¬.¬
You: is that a scottish symbol?
You: jw
Stranger: i love seeing my friends, and burning stuff in physics
Stranger: nah, just a face
Stranger: looking that way >
Stranger: sorta squinting
You: as if it is looking into the sun
Stranger: sort of... sardonic
Stranger: yeah, kinda
You: we try not to do that much
You: as for us, we love school
You: we go to THE Metropolitan college, ATL
You: so, yeah
Stranger: ...
Stranger: I'll be at uni next year
Stranger: got an unconditional
You: we have unconditional love for the ATL
You: and our major, music option III
Stranger: do you not get condtionals or uncondtional terms for your places when you first aply?
You: as in...early acceptance? or sumpin?
Stranger: ...not quite
Stranger: once you aply the uni will either say, yes you have a place, if you get say 2Bs and an A in your AHs
Stranger: that's a conditional
Stranger: a rejection is no place
You: oh yes, we have those...you either get accepted or rejected
You: kinda like when u ask a girl out
Stranger: and an unconditional is where you don't have to even pass, you've got a place whatever happends
You: hahahah
Stranger: so you don't have, "if you do well enough" acceptance
Stranger: it's just a binary system?
You: sometimes schools accept ppl, but then reject them later on if they do like really poorly
You: but that doesn't happen two often
You: it is more like accepted or rejected right away
Stranger: hmmm, so it's different
Stranger: fair enough
You: Metropolitan college is a real good school
You: real good
You: not so easy to get accepted there
Stranger: happy for you
You: but it is pretty secret people don't really know about it...
Stranger: why would i know about a school in the us
You: i guess u wouldn't
Stranger: i'd only expect people in the town to know it
You: ever hear of Harvard?
Stranger: yes, but that's like, have you heard of oxford
You: well we also heard Banff & Buchan is good
You: real good
Stranger: fair enough
You: but it's no Clydebank
You: hahha
Stranger: i know strathclyde is good, but that's not near me, and i wouldn't expect you to know it either
You: so tell us about scotland
You: what are some famous monuments and stuff
You: or nice scenes
Stranger: all of scotland's nice!
Stranger: scots monument in edinburgh's good
You: scot? is that a guy?
You: jw
Stranger: the locks system further north is als good
Stranger: takes you through most lochs
You: what about the lochness monster?
You: is he real?
Stranger: what is the "jw" is it a varient of just kidding?
You: our cousin said he is
You: hahha
You: no, it means just wondering
Stranger: who knows, not found proof that he or she isn't
You: as in...just curious, like brad's cat
Stranger: nessie sounds like a girls name to me
You: who was once a kitten
Stranger: most kittens were once cats
Stranger: ...
Stranger: swap them please
You: swap kittens?
You: is that a scottish tradition?
Stranger: ...i meant the words
Stranger: and no
Stranger: ...you're really anoying you know
Stranger: perhaps it's a culture thing
Stranger: have a lovely life by the way
Stranger: stay healthy etc
You: don't leave!
You: we will be less annoying
Stranger: stay good friends
Stranger: why not?
Stranger: you're jus takin the piss
You: we just want to learn about scotland
You: and not all americans r like us
You: for the record
Stranger: ¬.¬
Stranger: i never said they were
Stranger: although that has improved my opinion of you
You: good.
Stranger: but still, someone elsse i'm sure would be more fun for yu to talk to
Stranger: as i said, enjoy your life
Stranger: hope your school works out
Stranger: etc
You: it will
Stranger: bye bye =)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Journey to Brazil (with Brad n Matt)

This convo speaks for itself. It speaks for itself. Know that it's gr8, and well worth a reed. Did you catch the joke? Cuz we r music option III majors!! #bandhumour

Stranger: hiii
You: hey
Stranger: whats up?
You: chillin
You: just chillin
You: asl?
Stranger: 17 f brazil :/
Stranger: u?
You: 23/m
You: hello
Stranger: where are u from?
You: ATL
You: atlanta, Georgis
You: georgia**
Stranger: oh, ok
You: so what do you do for fun in brazil
You: jw
Stranger: i like shopping, internet, hang whit friends, travel, etc
Stranger: and u?
You: ¿¿todos los dias??
Stranger: haha im don't speak spanish, just english and portuguese
Stranger: in brazil we speak portuguese
You: interesting
You: so yeah. for fun we like horseback riding ,country music listening to, and watchin the falcons pwning hahahah
You: and also were real smart
You: studyin music option III
You: at THE metropolitan college, ATL
Stranger: cool :)
You: if you ever come to the ATL, you should catch a show at the alliance theater
You: don't miss it
You: don
You: 't
You: miss it
Stranger: ok, i really want go in atl someday
You: yeah it's pretty cool
You: usher and justin bieber chose it as their place of residence
You: so did us, brad n matt
You: just sayin
Stranger: yeh, i know :)
You: yeahhh
You: so anyways
You: um
You: do you have any pets?
You: jw
Stranger: no :/
Stranger: and u?
You: we have a lot of horses
You: and brad had a kitten who is now a cat
You: check out brad's madre with the cat
You: http://tubegator.com/content/uploads/fat-cat.jpg
Stranger: i like horses, I have one just on the farm
Stranger: ok
You: english or western?
You: not as in like, language..as in like, style for horseback riding
Stranger: Garffield
Stranger: hahaha
You: he gets that a lot..but their personalities are different
You: so what are some of the nice scenes in brazil
Stranger: hmm
You: maybe the jungle?
Stranger: where i live don't have jungle
Stranger: lol
You: or a waterfall that's extra precious>
You: so are you in school?
You: studying diffiicult curiculums
You: and stuff
You: jw
Stranger: high school
You: that's cool
You: high school was gr8, but college is better
You: they didn't even have a horseback riding club at our high school
You: do you have a favorite topic to study
Stranger: english
Stranger: and u?
You: enlgih
You: english*
You: hahaha
Stranger: =)
You: we've been told we speak english real good, but it's our mother tongue
You: so yeah
You: comes naturally
You: so which of these books did u prefers? a. 1984 b. to kill a mockingbird c. cat in the hat
You: or maybe you could enliten us as to a brazilian book?
Stranger: do you think my english is bad?
You: we by no means meant to imply anything like that
You: your english rocks!
You: rocks!!
Stranger: I still have to learn a lot
You: yes, but it is really impressive
You: really impressive
You: so what r ur jams?
You: as in music
You: not jelly
Stranger: thanks =]
You: so who is ur favorite singer / group?
Stranger: i like justin bieber, cody simpson, rihanna, katy perry, britney, drake, etc
Stranger: u?
You: we love all those ppl
You: brad's lil sister thinks she's cody simpson's girlfriend
You: hahahah
Stranger: =]
Stranger: ahhaha
You: sometimes, we listen to music while we train the horses but..it can get distracting
You: it can get distracting
You: mom tells us to be careful
You: and at the moment, we both have sprained ankles cuz they got hurt while we were training the horses
You: 2 sprained ankles, ATL, atm
Stranger: ohh
You: what
Stranger: i'm talking with 2 guys?
You: 's the best food in brazil
Stranger: imm, idk, i like japanese food
You: this is us brad n matt
You: http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/1266241022/screen-capture-3.jpg
Stranger: ahh okay =]
Stranger: whats ur favorite food?
You: pizza, pop corn, spaghetti
You: pps
You: all day
Stranger: you guys are brothers?
You: no, just best friends since we were in diapers
You: brad's mom told us to be careful with the horses
You: just to clarify
You: matt here collects beanie babies
Stranger: hmm, ok
You: this is matt's cousin with his beanie babies
You: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wYDPGouqtPc/ShPrtYpmXnI/AAAAAAAABp8/J1GTRbYWE_I/s400/BeanieBabyCollection.jpg
You: he took the picture
You: do you have any cool hobbies or anything
Stranger: hm, no
Stranger: lol
Stranger: u?
You: asides from being the fastest at tying our shoelaces and holdin the ATL record on most burgers flipped in a burger king in an hour, not mucj
You: just sayin
You: but we r interesting
You: just really busy with our music option III studies
You: we study a lot, but make time for friends and the horses
You: the horses r our friends too though
Stranger: thats good :]
You: hey, you have good taste in music...have you ever heard of bryant james?
You: he seems tight with justin bieber, who follows him on twitter
You: also, bryant follows us
Stranger: nope
You: oh
You: look him up sometime
Stranger: i never heard
You: tell us more about brazil
Stranger: justin bieber and cody simpson follow me on twitter
You: we have only been around the us a little and to japan for a JB concert
You: so we want to know about brazil
You: what r the most popular soft drinks?
You: brad is guessing pespsi
You: *pepsi or root beer
You: cuz he drinks that at every meal
You: even breakfast
You: and with his midnight snack
Stranger: woww.. how many questions
Stranger: lol
Stranger: here is coca cola
You: that's real nice
Stranger: and guarana
You: interesting
You: got any q's since ur givin so many a's
You: hahahah
You: q=question a=answer
Stranger: why do the Americans think that Brazil is a jungle? Brazil is not really a jungle lol
You: common misconceptions are perpetuated by the media
You: we googled it and that's what it said
You: seems right
You: that's my guess
You: do most ppl speak american there?
You: jw
Stranger: Brazil is a wonderful country, the problem is that people who live here are very stupid
You: so NOT like the US
You: hahahaha
Stranger: no
Stranger: everybody speak portuguese
You: interesting
Stranger: im trying to talk english
You: our spanish teacher guadalupe told us that in brazil mostly the schools are in english but higher education is in spanish and then its like WTF where r we gonna talk portugese!?
Stranger: because i don't want live here
You: we want to live in the ATL for the duration of our lives
You: raise kids here
You: it's real nice
You: real nice
Stranger: our official language is Portuguese
You: was guadalupe missinformed about brazilia? or was she right?
You: you dont have to answer if that's two personal
You: we wanna move on to talkin bout the world cup anyways
You: brazil vs holland
Stranger: All schools teach English here
You: all schools in the US teach that same thing to
You: cool
Stranger: and some teach Spanish, but it is not our language
You: so world cup...were you upset about brazil's loss to holland in the quarter finals?
You: snijder was really good in that game
Stranger: ahh, i really hate soccer
You: interesting
You: people think everyone in south america is like in love with soccer
You: you prove them wrong
Stranger: noo, just the boys
You: right. they got a snijder fever, girls got the bieber fever
Stranger: hhahah
Stranger: yeah
You: so...we got about 5 minutes before spaghetti dinner will be served
You: plus we gotta feed the horses some apples and oats before then
You: so really like...2 1/2 minutes to talk
You: FYI
Stranger: ok
You: so one last question.....what is your favorite party game? like maybe darts or sherades?
Stranger: i dont know
You: if you had to choose tho
You: disney trivia maybe?
You: we are doing a survey
You: so getting world perspectives or sumpin like that
You: hahah whatever the sheet said
Stranger: hahaha
You: well..you don't have to answer
You: this convo was plenty good as it stands
You: as it stands
You: we'll cya around maybe
You: bye!
Stranger: k, byee
Stranger: nico to meet you
Stranger: nice*
You: yeah look out for us at usher's house, ATL. juss saying
Stranger: haha ok
Stranger: bye bye