Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Journey to LA (and Vegas) with Brad N Matt

LA LA baby.

You: hey
Stranger: hello
You: how goes it
Stranger: where u from? I'm hanging out
You: ATL baby
You: reppin' the ATL all day
You: asl?
Stranger: 21 f la california
You: we r M. 23. ATL
You: it's two broskies here
You: best buds
Stranger: I see
Stranger: spring break?
You: no
You: we r back at THE Metropolitan college, ATL
Stranger: oh
Stranger: finals?
You: we didn't go anywhere for spring break
You: no place better than the ATL
Stranger: hows the food there?
You: it's delicious!!!
You: bbq+ATL=the bomb
Stranger: yum
You: we love ribs and popcorn chicken
Stranger: I want real BBQ. la isnt big on slow cooking
You: interesting
You: do you see celebs everywhere?
You: or are you a celeb?!?!
Stranger: la likes fast Asian n Mexican food. sometimes we see them
You: sometimes you see fast Mexican food?
Stranger: they get gas themself
You: interesting
Stranger: see celebs
You: I would think they have "people" for that
You: ah
You: so what are the best scenes in LA?
Stranger: there's a lot of things on la
You: like....the Chinese theater?
You: Brad over here got caramel on his comforter
You: from his candy apple
You: on a side note
You: it's real sticky to
Stranger: I like the theme parks.
Stranger: mmm sweets
You: you go on roller coasters?
Stranger: ya. they chamged a lot of things
Stranger: new rides
You: no more space mountain? :(
You: sounds like a straight up nightmare
Stranger: I think they updates
Stranger: space mntm
You: oh
You: interesting
You: so what do you do for fun in LA
Stranger: whatever I feel like
You: such as?
You: going to auditions?
You: going to the beach?
You: walking dogs?
Stranger: if I wanna snow board at nite m surf next morning
Stranger: it's possible
You: snow board?
You: isnt it hot there
Stranger: ya
You: ???
You: confusing
Stranger: we have mountains like an hour away
Stranger: n Vegas os
Stranger: is 3 hours
You: vegas!
You: is it true that what happens there stays there?
You: j
You: w
Stranger: unless u post on fb
Stranger: lol
You: classic
Stranger: Vegas is crazy awesome
You: yeah?
Stranger: I have a house there
You: a house?
You: complete with a kitchen
You: and appliances?
Stranger: yea.
You: word
You: youre a straight up g then, no?
Stranger: lol no
Stranger: Asians like investments n vacations
You: does the house always win
You: or do u know how to beat that system
Stranger: no

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