Monday, March 7, 2011

Journey to Sweden (with brad and matt)

 Check out our homie. He lives in sweden. we learned, a) thier lakes are not full of those red gummy candies, b)jazz is interesting and we taught him a thing or two, like why miley cyrus pones all other musicial artists true fact, true fact, that our language is american, and also the meaning of interesting. it was to say the least, a convo that was, interesting. also that will be one for the history books. tell ur grandkids. #justsayin

You: hey
Stranger: Hello
You: how goes it
Stranger: it goes... good
Stranger: getting ready for work
You: what line of work ru in
Stranger: electrican
Stranger: i make awesome electrcity work
You: interesting
Stranger: and that makes me awesome
Stranger: how about you?
You: we're in college
Stranger: we?
You: metropolitan college. ATL
You: so, yeah
Stranger: whats a metropolitan college?
Stranger: never heard of those
Stranger: <- european
You: just a really great two year institution in the lovely city of atlanta georgia USA
Stranger: oooh
You: we're studying music option III
Stranger: georgia on my mind
Stranger: :O
You: real nice
You: real nice
Stranger: cool
Stranger: so what music do you like?
Stranger: genres and etc
You: aside from miley cyrus not much
You: also classic tho
Stranger: Miley cyrus? really?
Stranger: Alright. not gonna judge
Stranger: :D
You: yeah. shes a southern girl. our kind of lady
Stranger: ah
Stranger: republicans?
You: independents
Stranger: so neither?
Stranger: Communists! :O
You: lolz
Stranger: classical you say
Stranger: how about
Stranger: jazz
You: its...
Stranger: ever heard any jazz you liked?
You: interesting
Stranger: define intresting
You: something of interest
Stranger: lol
You: we use that term in american alot
Stranger: i know what it means
Stranger: but i mean in this definiation
Stranger: what makes jazz just "intresting"
Stranger: i can find dirt intresting
Stranger: dont mean i like it
You: answer me this.
You: whats the deal with scatting
You: thats i want to know
You: hahahahah
Stranger: i love scatting
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: altho
Stranger: the jazz zi listen to hardly never contain scatting
Stranger: its not really my thing
You: i respect that
Stranger: i like more traditional jazz
Stranger: more instrumental
Stranger: without singing
You: cool. you gotta do you if thats your thing
You: so anywhoo
You: where in europe do you reside
You: at the present
You: jw
Stranger: The most awesome part of Sweden
You: thats cool
You: i bet ur pretty neutral
You: hahaha
Stranger: ofc. Its Sweden
Stranger: ooooh
Stranger: comedian
Stranger: :P
You: are there swedish fish in ur lakes
Stranger: haha that candy you mean?
You: yeah
You: hah
Stranger: nopp
Stranger: actually never heard of that candy before
Stranger: i only think it exists in america
You: interesting
Stranger: idk why they call it swedish fish
Stranger: we got salmon tho
Stranger: thats delicous
Stranger: :P
You: real nice
You: real nice
You: we like to go horseback riding
You: what do you do for fin
You: fun
Stranger: i never done that
Stranger: i like photgraphing
Stranger: or music
Stranger: or movies
You: yeah. did you see megamind>
You: good movie
Stranger: haha yeah
Stranger: its awesome
You: scary though
You: my little brother
You: had a MELTDOWN
You: after that
Stranger: wut?
Stranger: why?
Stranger: did he become an evil mastermind?
Stranger: =O
You: it scared him. idk he's 6
Stranger: bah kids these days
Stranger: too fragile
You: did any of the swedish people react like that
You: jw
Stranger: not that i know of
Stranger: no
You: interesting
Stranger: what does jw mean?
Stranger: jew?
Stranger: oh
Stranger: just wondering
Stranger: nvm
You: yeah.
You: speaking of religions
You: to which faith do you adhere?
You: jw
Stranger: as you said. Sweden is neutral
Stranger: and so am i, in a way
Stranger: i belong to no religion
You: interesting
Stranger: im not even uhm
Stranger: whats it called
Stranger: when u drown babies
Stranger: in the churches
Stranger: :P
You: baptised
Stranger: oh yeah that
You: i think is what u mean
You: word
Stranger: so idk if i am an atheist
Stranger: or an agnostic
Stranger: i dont put much mind to it
You: so what kind of fashions are popular in sweden
Stranger: well its pretty much as in any western country i would guess
Stranger: jeans
Stranger: shirts
Stranger: fancy jackets
You: so like cowboy hats and stuff
Stranger: nothing special that im aware of
Stranger: lol no
Stranger: no cowboy-stuff
You: =[
Stranger: haha
Stranger: yeah cowboys arent that big here
Stranger: sadly
Stranger: :P
You: yeah. unfortunate for you guys
Stranger: no vikinghelmets either
You: sometimes when we look outside here
You: you could mistake it for the old wild west
You: hahahahah
Stranger: haha awesome
You: have u ever been to the us
You: ?
You: jw
Stranger: at this college, what are u styding?
Stranger: oh well
Stranger: no
Stranger: but i will
Stranger: maybe this summer
Stranger: always wanted to go
You: we are studying music option III
Stranger: oh yeah now i remember
Stranger: haha
Stranger: so what does that involve exactly?
You: its a pattern of courses centered around music, but like also algebra and painting
Stranger: alright, and what are you hoping to achive by this?
Stranger: wanna be a singer?
You: something like that
Stranger: artist? or what? :P
Stranger: haha alright
Stranger: jw
You: maybe paint
You: and write songs about what we painted
You: or teach middle school music theory
You: hahhahaha
Stranger: or combine the both
Stranger: make painted music videos
Stranger: :O
You: yeah. thatd be sweet
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: mtv sucks these days anyway
Stranger: just reality shows
You: i think what MTV needs is a reality show
Stranger: needs? it has like 50 of em
You: centered around the lives of beautiful positive role models for young women
Stranger: maybe, why not
You: no you had to let me finish lol
Stranger: better then the x-effect
Stranger: or that shit :P
Stranger: yeah sorry about that
You: naw its cool
Stranger: im very impulsive sometimes
You: we get pretty emotional about it. cuz its tragic to see that stuff on mtv. when they need some positive programming
Stranger: absolutly
You: i dont get my life as liz
You: that show has no freaking concept
Stranger: havent seen it
You: except some annoying girl with fake red hair
Stranger: think i heard of it
You: you're lucky man
Stranger: lol
You: dont ever watch it
You: big time suck
You: big time suck
Stranger: i promise
Stranger: :D
Stranger: about religion, your christian?
You: something like that
Stranger: somthing?
Stranger: you dont take it that serious ?
Stranger: a secular chrisian perhaps
You: i mean like, its nice to have and all. but idk we're not like super psycho about all the stuff that goes with it
You: ya know
Stranger: thats good
Stranger: so not catholic then
Stranger: ;D
You: hahahaha
Stranger: principle of cathholicsm: if it feels good, stop.
You: LOLz
Stranger: i go in another way
Stranger: if it feels good, KEEP IT UP
You: interesting
Stranger: unless ur inhaling large ammounts of cocain
Stranger: then you probobly should stop
You: word. coke tears families apart
Stranger: yeah its possible. cocain isent a giant problem here actually
Stranger: its mostly artists and actors
Stranger: some of them
You: interesting
You: and typical
Stranger: very uncommon tho
You: so typical
Stranger: and yes :P
You: so whats ur name budy
Stranger: Its Robin
Stranger: whats yours?
You: well the two of us are named matt and brad
You: is robin a boy name or a girl name
You: jw
Stranger: well in this version its a guy
Stranger: me that is
You: cool
Stranger: Matt Damon :O
You: haha
Stranger: reminds me of team america
You: yeah i tried to sneak in the oscars
You: but they knew i wasnt him
You: haha
Stranger: seen that from team america?
Stranger: where matt damon says: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt daaaamooooon
You: interstin
You: no havent seen it
Stranger: aw too bad
Stranger: hans blixt is in it too
Stranger: swedish U.N diplomat
You: your american is pretty good
Stranger: my american?
You: in talking like
Stranger: And i thought it was english
Stranger: ;D
You: fine line
You: fine line
Stranger: well they invented the language
You: american means you blend well in using slangular vocabulary
Stranger: oh well
Stranger: i thank tv and movies for that
Stranger: oh and video games
You: COD is the shit
Stranger: well i got tired of it
Stranger: but yeah it was the shit
Stranger: now its just shit
You: burn!
You: ahah
Stranger: i havent played anything special in a while
Stranger: resident evil 5 a little
Stranger: i got an xbox 360 as well
You: theres this really mean lady in our apartment complex
You: we call HER resident evil
You: hahahahaha
Stranger: lol
Stranger: oooh i never thought of what resident mean
Stranger: until now
Stranger: :D
You: learn something new
You: with each day
Stranger: indeed
You: you also learned the meaning of interesting today
Stranger: oh yes
Stranger: english isent my mother language
Stranger: im aware my english isent perfect
You: its actually quite good
You: impressivly bilingual sit
You: sir
Stranger: well thank you :P
Stranger: i take that as a complment
Stranger: compliment*
You: thats it was intended as
Stranger: so how long have you been studieing?
Stranger: music that is
Stranger: and wait a second. a guy that lsitens to miley cyrus?
You: what about it
Stranger: seems uncommon
Stranger: :D
You: she's a great talent. with a great voice
Stranger: atleast in sweden
You: she's big in the country scene
You: we love taylor swift too
Stranger: i know who that is
Stranger: altho im not much of a country-man myself
Stranger: i prefer jazz
Stranger: but i also like alot of other genres
Stranger: rock, some pop, hiphop, reggae, ska etc :P
You: reggae is cool
Stranger: hey since ur american. whats ur thought on charlie sheens shenanegangs
You: they spoofed it on SNL last night it was funny
You: hes a terrible role model
Stranger: i think hes an irl troll
You: and why does he have to drag tigers into this
You: tigers are nice. they have tiger blood
You: and they act pretty normal
You: unless provoked
You: hhahahaha
Stranger: tigers have tiger blood? :O
Stranger: NO WAY!
You: hahaaha
Stranger: what blood does pandas have? :O
You: we're not studying biology man, just music option III
Stranger: seirously tho. i think sheen is messing with the media. hes sarcasm seems a bit obvious
Stranger: but one can never be sure
Stranger: haha
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: and
Stranger: EPIC
Stranger: he says that all the time
You: and GNARLY
Stranger: yeah lol
Stranger: i think he spent alot of time on the internet
Stranger: maybe 4chan
Stranger: one can never be sure
You: so how old are you
You: jw
Stranger: 23
You: cool. we're 18
Stranger: damn kids
You: haha
Stranger: you go vote now!
You: we cant techinically drink here yet
Stranger: what?
You: thats why we want to come to europe
You: hahahah
You: our drinking age is 21
Stranger: in sweden its 18 in bars and clubs
You: nice
You: real nice
Stranger: but u cant buy it in stores until ur 20
You: cuz that makes sense
Stranger: and theres only one store that sells beer and alcohol
You: hahah
You: in the whole country?
You: must be some long lines
Stranger: well its a monopoly
Stranger: ruled by the goverment
Stranger: been like that since the 30ties
You: we like to play monopoly
Stranger: to control drinking between the population
You: im always the little dog
Stranger: haha i pick the car
Stranger: cuz thats just how awesome i am
Stranger: or the hat
Stranger: it depends
You: my buddy over here prefers the top hat
Stranger: haha :P
You: says alot about a man
Stranger: so whos paying ur college?
Stranger: dadday?
Stranger: daddy* :D
You: pop pop plus my money from summer jobs
You: at like abercrombie and burger king
Stranger: oh thats good
Stranger: haha
Stranger: we got burger king here
Stranger: delicous burgers
You: fun to eat
You: not so fun to make
Stranger: prefer them over mconalds
Stranger: haha
Stranger: yeah i bet
Stranger: i have to go now
Stranger: got 300 km to drive
You: i won best burger flipper in ATL
You: take that with u
Stranger: was nice talking to you guys
You: word
You: have a nice life
Stranger: haha
Stranger: thats awesome
Stranger: yeah u too
Stranger: gl with ur studies
You: thanx good luck with electricty

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