Scottish tool. Nuff said (and not as in like, a gardening tool made in Scotland. As in like..a mean person from Scotland. So, yeah)
You: hi
Stranger: heya
Stranger: how're you?
You: besides our sprained ankles, pretty good
You: and u?
Stranger: I'm good thanks
Stranger: how di you (plural) sprain your anKles?
You: asl?
Stranger: *did
Stranger: 17 f scotland
You: cool!
You: m.23.ATL
You: as for the sprained ankles, we hurt them training the horses
You: the two of us
You: Brad n Matt
Stranger: who else is there?
Stranger: are you the same age then?
You: yup
Stranger: nice to meet you both
Stranger: I'm Ellie
Stranger: aww, i hope you get beter
You: this is us
You: and thanks, it means like a lot
Stranger: rest, ice, compression, elevation,
Stranger: but you know that =P
You: are you a doctor?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i just did my nplq (lifeguarding qualification)
You: wow! we like scuba diving
Stranger: so there was this huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge first aid bit in it
You: (deep sea)
Stranger: no, more just cleaning up and standing poolside
You: so do they speak american in scotland?
You: as in english
Stranger: nah, just swiming pools
Stranger: you know where scotland is?
You: you speak swimming pools?
Stranger: do you want to google it?
Stranger: ...i speak english
Stranger: scotland is a part of the uk
You: your english is real good, we just weren't completely sure
Stranger: along with wales and ireland
Stranger: we all speak english
You: interesting
Stranger: .... i come from britian! that's where english comes from
You: we come from the ATL
Stranger: and england's in the uk too
You: that's where Nene Leakes comes from
Stranger: which stands for?
You: Atlanta, Georgia
Stranger: what's that?
Stranger: still lost
Stranger: but who cares
Stranger: what are your horses like?
Stranger: do you own them?
You: a map of the US would be helpful in this situation
You: yeah, we own the horses
Stranger: why should i care what sate you live in when you don't recognise my country
You: we r like regular cowboys
Stranger: what do the horses look like
You: handsome
Stranger: and i doubt it, but sounds fun
You: like us
You: hahaha
Stranger: =P
You: so what r ur jams?
You: as in music, not jelly
Stranger: jams being?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: metal i supose
Stranger: i'm listeing to some on youtube, link?
You: sure
You: sounds dope
Stranger: and jazz and classical and folk
You: we have a link for you too
You: ever heard of Bryant James?
You: he'll be real big one day
You: real big
Stranger: i dinnea ken wha yer oan abit
You: h/o
Stranger: nope
You: thanks
You: trading links is almost as good as trading candy on halloween
Stranger: =)
Stranger: you don't trade sweeties at halloween, you earn them
You: our mom's told us sharing is caring
You: so we share sweets with our friends, but not if the wrapper is open
Stranger: saring is good
Stranger: but you don't go round with a bag swapping treats at peoples doors
Stranger: you'll give them to their grandchildren
You: no, you don't
Stranger: they probably go them from your grandparent
Stranger: s
Stranger: it goes round and round
You: speaking of grandparents, my gran has a purple cane and is real cool
You: hahah just wanted to throw that out there
Stranger: awesome
You: so do you have any pets?
Stranger: nah, just a little brother if tyhat counts
You: good one!
You: hahah
Stranger: it's old
You: he sounds cool
Stranger: i always use it
Stranger: he is
Stranger: anyone who slags him dies! ...metaphorically speaking
You: word.
You: gotta look out for your own blood
You: or sumpin
Stranger: i'm kinda shan, but i try to be nice
Stranger: kith and kin
You: so do you love school?
You: jw
Stranger: ...¬.¬
You: is that a scottish symbol?
You: jw
Stranger: i love seeing my friends, and burning stuff in physics
Stranger: nah, just a face
Stranger: looking that way >
Stranger: sorta squinting
You: as if it is looking into the sun
Stranger: sort of... sardonic
Stranger: yeah, kinda
You: we try not to do that much
You: as for us, we love school
You: we go to THE Metropolitan college, ATL
You: so, yeah
Stranger: ...
Stranger: I'll be at uni next year
Stranger: got an unconditional
You: we have unconditional love for the ATL
You: and our major, music option III
Stranger: do you not get condtionals or uncondtional terms for your places when you first aply?
You: as in...early acceptance? or sumpin?
Stranger: ...not quite
Stranger: once you aply the uni will either say, yes you have a place, if you get say 2Bs and an A in your AHs
Stranger: that's a conditional
Stranger: a rejection is no place
You: oh yes, we have either get accepted or rejected
You: kinda like when u ask a girl out
Stranger: and an unconditional is where you don't have to even pass, you've got a place whatever happends
You: hahahah
Stranger: so you don't have, "if you do well enough" acceptance
Stranger: it's just a binary system?
You: sometimes schools accept ppl, but then reject them later on if they do like really poorly
You: but that doesn't happen two often
You: it is more like accepted or rejected right away
Stranger: hmmm, so it's different
Stranger: fair enough
You: Metropolitan college is a real good school
You: real good
You: not so easy to get accepted there
Stranger: happy for you
You: but it is pretty secret people don't really know about it...
Stranger: why would i know about a school in the us
You: i guess u wouldn't
Stranger: i'd only expect people in the town to know it
You: ever hear of Harvard?
Stranger: yes, but that's like, have you heard of oxford
You: well we also heard Banff & Buchan is good
You: real good
Stranger: fair enough
You: but it's no Clydebank
You: hahha
Stranger: i know strathclyde is good, but that's not near me, and i wouldn't expect you to know it either
You: so tell us about scotland
You: what are some famous monuments and stuff
You: or nice scenes
Stranger: all of scotland's nice!
Stranger: scots monument in edinburgh's good
You: scot? is that a guy?
You: jw
Stranger: the locks system further north is als good
Stranger: takes you through most lochs
You: what about the lochness monster?
You: is he real?
Stranger: what is the "jw" is it a varient of just kidding?
You: our cousin said he is
You: hahha
You: no, it means just wondering
Stranger: who knows, not found proof that he or she isn't
You: as in...just curious, like brad's cat
Stranger: nessie sounds like a girls name to me
You: who was once a kitten
Stranger: most kittens were once cats
Stranger: ...
Stranger: swap them please
You: swap kittens?
You: is that a scottish tradition?
Stranger: ...i meant the words
Stranger: and no
Stranger:'re really anoying you know
Stranger: perhaps it's a culture thing
Stranger: have a lovely life by the way
Stranger: stay healthy etc
You: don't leave!
You: we will be less annoying
Stranger: stay good friends
Stranger: why not?
Stranger: you're jus takin the piss
You: we just want to learn about scotland
You: and not all americans r like us
You: for the record
Stranger: ¬.¬
Stranger: i never said they were
Stranger: although that has improved my opinion of you
You: good.
Stranger: but still, someone elsse i'm sure would be more fun for yu to talk to
Stranger: as i said, enjoy your life
Stranger: hope your school works out
Stranger: etc
You: it will
Stranger: bye bye =)
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