Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Journey to Belgium (With brad and Matt) and bryant james (kinda)

Brad n Matt here - we hit up omegle yall. and we got a grade a belgium person on the line and had a nice lil chat- had to show some love to upcoming superstar no lie- THE @bryantjames. talented guy, apparently the #bryantjamesnation is yet to reach beligum but we're tryin to do our part to fix that. also learned a)many international peoples do not comprehend the word interesting. WTH!? b) beligum people do not eat waffles for all meals, contrary to popular belief c)ATL is not interesting enough to maintain the attention of ADD beliguim folks. but we didnt take it personal or nothin, she prob just had to run to go and google bryant james, that's my guess. that's my guess.
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: every single person has disconnected within the first couple minutes..are you different? prove your nicenesses
You: 23. m. ATL
Stranger: well ok
Stranger: what's ATL
You: atlanta georgia
Stranger: USA?
You: AKA coolest place on earth
You: yeah US of A man
Stranger: lol :)
You: whaddup
Stranger: the sky i guess :)
You: that was a good one
You: you are a funny individual
You: where are you located?
Stranger: 50º 50´ North of the Equator, 4º 00´East of Greenwich
Stranger: :D
Stranger: AKA belgium
You: cool
You: do you eat waffles at all meal
You: s
You: jw
Stranger: no :)
You: at some meals?
Stranger: i hardly eat waffles :)
Stranger: very seldom
You: interesting
Stranger: is it?
You: oh yes
You: its of interest
You: we say interesting alot in american
You: anyways
Stranger: is it because americans aren't interesting?
You: we're plenty interesting in the ATL at least
You: cant speak for the other cities
You: hahahahh
You: so have you ever heard of bryant james?
Stranger: tell me something interesting about ATL
You: we will but first
You: gotta promote our bud here
You: bryant james
Stranger: ??
You: is he famous in belgium?
Stranger: uhm
Stranger: NO
You: he will be
You: mark our words
You: he has the voice of an angel
Stranger: lulz
You: check him out on twitter
You: http://twitter.com/#!/bryantjames
You: anyways
You: whats the ATL got
You: plently
You: like
You: the alliance theater
You: and us when we worked at burger king breakin record about how many burgers flipped in a an hour
Stranger: OH MY GAWD
You: and then theres the peaches the falcons and NENE LEAKES
You: so yeah

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