Saturday, March 12, 2011

Journey to Russia (with Brad n Matt)

This russian browski likes to do all the asking and none of the answering.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: als
You: m. ATL. 23
You: usually ASL though
You: just sayin
You: how goes it
Stranger: hah, i mistyped
Stranger: 21 male here
Stranger: what's up?
You: nm lookin for a nice chat
You: where u from
You: jw
Stranger: russia
You: cool
You: we've never been there
You: whats it like
You: and WE are two best buds brad n matt
Stranger: hard to say what it is like lol
Stranger: where are you from?
You: the ATL is Atlanta Georgia USA
You: best city in the world
Stranger: got it
Stranger: never been there either
Stranger: why are you on omegle?
You: bored
You: lolz
Stranger: pretty much the same here
Stranger: plus, can't get asleep :/
You: try countin sheeps
You: speakin of animals
You: u got any pets?
Stranger: no
You: maybe a great eagle owl? we know they are common in russia
You: oh well u ever seen one then?
Stranger: i think i have
Stranger: btw, may i know your orientation?
You: we like the ladies if thats what ur asking
You: and the ladies love us
You: just sayin
Stranger: same here
Stranger: that's nice
Stranger: are you black or white?
You: whites
You: two whites
Stranger: nice
Stranger: me too
You: are there black people in russia?
You: jw
Stranger: some
Stranger: those who came from africa as student
Stranger: students*
You: interesting

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