Friday, March 11, 2011

Journey to North Carolina (with Brad n Matt)

Quick trip up I-85 N to North Carolina ayoooooo.
You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: 19/m/us
You: m/23/us
You: we r from the ATL
You: and you?
Stranger: north carolina
You: south yeahhhhh
Stranger: haha, yeah
You: we always thought the carolinas were real important becuz there is a north AND a south
You: hahaha
Stranger: haha, i guess so
You: anyways...
You: what r ur jams?
You: as in, music
You: not jelly
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i listen to mostly rock/alternative
Stranger: i like some rap
You: like MURS
You: hes comin to the ATL soon
Stranger: no i don't know who that is
You: interesting
Stranger: i don't like the new rap today
You: do you like Taylor Swift maybe?
You: jw
You: or maybe T Pain?
Stranger: hell no
You: so nobody who is a singer whose name starts with a T then
You: interesting
You: what r ur hobbies?
Stranger: i like to breakdance naked with the homeless
You: hahhaha
You: that takes guts, looks, and talent
Stranger: you have to give back to the community somehow
You: word
You: we train horses
Stranger: i see now
You: but they r pretty wild sometimes
You: they get spooked real easy
You: ppl think it is sissy like, but it takes guts to
Stranger: i remember one time a horse took a bite out of my leg
You: we sprained our ankles training the horses
You: btw this is two guys
You: best buds
You: brad n matt
Stranger: oh, ok
You: no homo
You: hahah
Stranger: haha
You: so what's good in north carolina?
You: any nice scenes?
Stranger: well, i live like 20 minutes from the ocean
You: damnn\
You: you surf?
Stranger: nope
You: us niether
You: i bet u get a mean tan tho
You: like a real one
You: not that bottle spray on shit
Stranger: haha
You: what's the best restaurant in north carolina? we heard the Angus Barn Restaurant is real good
Stranger: never heard of that one
You: its in Raleigh
You: on glenwood
You: check it out
Stranger: oh, ok
You: Raleigh seems dope i guess
You: but nothin compared to the ATL
You: just sayin
You: ahahah
Stranger: i actually live like 2 hours south of raleigh
You: that would be an intense commute if u were to seek and obtain employment there
You: so stay clear of that plan
You: hahaha
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i wil bring the fellows down at the local shelter to come with me
You: cool
Stranger: well, i have to go now, nice talking to you guys
You: no well one last q??
Stranger: ok
You: which club should we hit up in NC -- Legends or the American Kennel Club
You: jw
Stranger: well i don't do clubs
Stranger: so no idea
You: you are more of a library fellow?
You: classy.
You: we respect that
Stranger: haha, no
You: well have a nice night
You: bye
Stranger: haha, later

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